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Why do you need Bitrage?


Arbitrage is the strategy of simultaneously buying and selling an asset. An asset is simultaneously bought and sold to make a profit due to price differences. It is a method of exploiting price differences for the same asset in different markets. Financial markets are not perfectly efficient, and this gives rise to arbitrage. 


The simplest way of arbitrage is to buy an asset at a low price in one market and simultaneously selling it in another market at a higher price. The difference in rates is profit.



Example of Arbitrage


  • Suppose, the stock of company A is trading in London stock exchange at $50, and the same stock is trading at $55 in the New York stock exchange. 

  • Now, a trader can buy the stock on the London stock exchange and at the same time, sell it on the New York stock exchange to make a profit of $5. 

  • A trader can use this strategy to earn profits until the specialists adjust the stock prices to eliminate the opportunity or the London stock exchange runs out of the inventory of the stock.


To make a successful trade, one has to watch the market for price differences, make the trade and transfer funds, all at the same time. This whole process may take a lot of time if done manually.


Moreover, it has become challenging to take advantage of pricing errors. Computerized trading systems monitor fluctuations and wipe out such profit-making opportunities. So, price differences do not stay for an extended period.



To overcome all this hassle and complete the trade in a short period, Bitrage is used.


Bitrage is an automated arbitrage trading bot. It stalks the market for price differences, places the trade, and transfers funds automatically. There is no need to make calculations for probable profits. Enter the minimum gain percentage, and the Bitrage bot handles the rest.

Crypto arbitrage bot


With proper tools and settings, Bitrage can be very profitable and is ideally suited to exploit the volatile market.

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